How-To Dress Your Child For Spring Weather
At the first sign of spring sunshine, children are eager to shed heavy winter layers. However, spring winds can still nip. Temperatures start low and get warmer as the day goes on. As a parent, it’s important to protect the child from cold by keeping them warm enough. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in the health-giving properties of organic wool/silk blends. This includes base layers from Engel and Hocosa, with a thicker Disana knitted pant or boiled wool overall on top. Pickapooh Rap Hats, Buffs, Neck Warmers and “Strunzels” are all light-weight wool/silk 100% organic merino wool options that ensure children aren’t losing valuable heat from their heads.
Warmth is a tricky thing. Until a child is between the ages of 9 to 12, they don’t actually feel the cold like adults do. The task of keeping them warm is the adult’s. When the extremities are warm, hands and feet, the child is entirely warm. When our bodies are cold, they have the task of warming up, and it can take away from the energy needed elsewhere such as for growing, thinking, engaging in play and for staying healthy. Here’s some tips for getting your child to dress in appropriate layers.

Tip Number One: Don’t ask the child to put on a hat or mitten exterior layer. Be totally confident in the knowledge that the child needs to wear the hat, scarf and mitten.
Tip Number Two: Be totally clear. Use simple language, such as, “We are going outside and we put on our hats.”
Tip Number Three: Be an example. Put your hat on and appropriate clothing on at the same time as the child as a visual encouragement for them. Children in the first seven or eight years of life imitate everything you do.
Tip Number Four: Choose the right material for spring weather. Shifting to wool / silk blends will feel lighter and more breathable than a thicker winter wool. Children will feel the change. Hats and buffs are also small enough to fit in a pocket when the temperature heads up into the teens in the afternoon.
Tip Number Five: If the child is whining and complaining about feeling overheated, check hands and feet. See if you can sense where the heat is. It may be that it is not as much physical heat as emotional heat. Are they flushed, warm in their faces or in their emotions? Maybe the hat needs to come off for a bit, a rest, a pause or a cool drink might be helpful.
Tip Number Six: Try not to rush the process. A calm demeanor and kind, sturdy guidance can help get those layers on and ensure a longer and happier time outdoors.
Enjoy your time outside!
Blog post by Kate Heming Panchal & Heather Church